What it do folks!

 Welcome to the What about me blog. This is a safe place. The purpose of this blog is to vent! It’s tough finding people who listen or are interested in what I have to say versus what I can do for them. I need to get it out! I figured, why not post it. I’m sure there are others who feel as I do. If so, hey there! I hope you can relate to the topics and add to the discussion in the comment section.
At the moment, my post categories are “Mind Dumps, Greedy Gut, and Product Obsessions”. We’re currently on a slow moving train where the site will experience changes at seemingly random moments. It’s all part of the process. Once again, WELCOME! I’m here for a good time and not a long time. Let’s see how far this goes! Talk to you soon!

What’s on my mind

Mind Dump

This section will highlight specific details about what’s currently on my mind. This can include things that have bothered me for a while, something recently discussed or a random thought!

Greedy Gut

Health is Wealth! This section will highlight specific details about my love for delicious things. Period!

Product Obsessions

This section will highlight specific details about my favorite, new and repeat purchases. It may or may not heavily feature Amazonian items. Take a gander why don’t ya!